When I began my programming journey, I did so with vague rumors that musicians seem to make good programmers. I'm not entirely sure how much stock I care to put into that notion, as I've not seen any empirical studies on the matter. If I am to speak to my personal experience, however, I must admit that I can see where the rumors come from. There is a particular state of mind that I feel myself enter into when I open VS Code and get to work that feels remarkably similar to doing so with my music notation software Finale. It is difficult to articulate, but the act of composing and the act of programming feel similar to my brain.
It may have something to do with object oriented programming being surprisingly similar to composing for a large orchestra. All of the instruments are objects divided into classes--instrument families, and the way these objects interact with each other come together to form a cohesive project, whether it be musical or computational. A piano concerto like the one I've written here is a good example of this, as it contains an entire orchestra revolving around a central instrument, the piano. I'm particularly proud of the fourth movement. I hope you enjoy! (The third movement is still a work in progress and is not in a state ready to be showcased.)
Very little prepatory organization went into the following two pieces, as they were each a personal challenge to myself to see what I could write in a single afternoon. That said, I ended up liking them a lot and became rather proud of them.
>> Headphone warning at 1:50 of the second movement. <<